Issue 6: Gressive Spumanti TatterdemalionEcem Yucel Like Fred AstaireJ-T Kelly Visit me like Elizabeth didJane-Rebecca Cannarella The Girls We Were Before ThisJennifer Schomburg Kanke ParkKit Isherwood Dolci The BasementLuca D’Anselmi When I’m Gone From You Pat Tyrer Your Heart Holds A ViolenceKristin Garth Sentenced Melissa Sussens Operating System Paul Jones Untitled slntstrwbrry Bianchi FersaceNicole Tallman I Am Fading Into My Own Untouchability Ella Corder LazaruslikeKevin Blankinship 2 Nolan Dannels Grape TransformationKarl Kliparchuk Rossi The WaitJoanna George Watching You Lose Your Restaurant Virginity Hanna Pachman Gernika Ben Nardolili Demiurge Robert van Vliet Fragments Of Desert Storm Tyler Justin Smothers Bus StopPhoenix DeSimone