Issue 5: Denatured Spumanti Unspoken SacrificeMelody Serra Wordplay Tamiko Dooley triolet of zoom impatience Paul Jones Reflections Lily Rose A Ritual of Eternties Akrati Mehrotra god’s plan (tanka)Madeleine Tomasoa Dolci Never Ever Grace Hui Three and a Half Types of Ambiguity Mark Blaeuer a poem in which everything grief touches grows dreadlocksEmmanuel Mgbabor What’s in My Bag? Kristin Garth Jeff Bezos Bekah Steimel Pantoum for Amy Winehouse Courtney LeBlanc Bianchi Requiem for a Homeboy Marilee Pritchard Cadenza Robert van Vliet Devilish Edward Supranowicz When the phone dies mid panic attack Abby Leigh Mangel Born Again Carrie Penrod Dearest Brandy Richard Porter Rossi Breast Autopsy Michael Ruffin The element that runs the tail of the dog Sue Spiers Two Flags Andre P. Audette Moon Rondeau Debbie Robson Ode to a Ventilator Ed Doerr Swallowed Charles K. Carter