Mark Blaeuer


Men search for meaning, Viktor Frankl said.
Eschew the frankincense-gold-myrrh
routine. Absurdity vaults way ahead.
The Meerschaum Orca wins a Pulitzer:

a play unwritten as of yet. So, muse
tough rhythm out like Chester A. Burnett
if that inspire atavistic blues.
The Meerschaum Orca rock another set.

Utopias of noir and Naugahyde
entice downtown. Anticipating dim
communal impetus, we’re toxified—
the Meerschaum Orca forlorn, 2 a.m.

Anemic unicorns swoon in Times Square.
The Meerschaum Orca’s verdict: “C’est la guerre.”


Mark Blaeuer’s poems and translations have appeared in dozens of journals, including Ezra, Measure, The Orchards, and SurVision. A collection, Fragments of a Nocturne, is available from Kelsay Books. He lives near Hot Springs, Arkansas.