Patrick Nevins


Your love language wouldn’t fit in my apartment. Your love language couldn’t be returned

without a receipt. Your love language would, honestly, look better on your ex. Your love

language ruined the transmission in my little sports car. Your love language painted the windows

shut. Your love language was an invasive species when I wanted pollinators. Your love language

signed us up for kickboxing on the mornings I run. Your love language insisted we go to brunch

when I wanted to do the Sunday crossword. Your love language wanted to go big when I wanted

to go home. Your love language said I made you a better person. Your love language said I

completed you. Your love language said a lot more about you than me. Your love language

chafed. Your love language assaulted me. Your love language left me with a D & C.


Patrick Nevins is the author of The Commission of Inquiry: Stories (forthcoming from Cornerstone Press). His writing appears in HAD, Vitni Review, and other journals.