Dan Provost
Selling yourself
to the drink is not an
awful crime.
Also accepted is fascination of
spiritual sense, while engaging
in a war with the hedonistic
But am I cheapening you?
A soul and dream
are often impossible to
catch simultaneously.
Although, your attempts
never quite fit the
label of the last, great
Romantic poet.
To wear the profession
“crazed genius” too close to the sleeve
often leads to a promise
of cutting the tendons in
a misguided glee.
Five years working on
your epic…
Thirty-two years before
you jumped ship.
Was the prize ever worth
the phantom cure?
Dan Provost’s poetry has been scattered throughout the small press on-line and in print for
a number of years. He observes and writes. His latest book, Under the Influence of Nothingness,
was published earlier this year by Kung Fu Treachery Press. Currently, Dan lives in Berlin, New
Hampshire with his wife Laura and dog Bella. His latest book can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/